Upvoting and ⚠️ Reporting
You can upvote reviews of users if you feel like they absolutely hit the sweet spot! It’s a way of appreciating the effort of another community member, and also to help improve the overall quality of the platform.
You can only upvote 2 reviews per day
Every upvote earns the owner of the review:
1 extra Experience for that Bohemian
If you upvote a review that is later taken down due to NSFW or other inappropriate content, you risk losing WPs
To help keep our community clean and safe, we allow reporting of reviews by our community members.
Reporting a review that is later confirmed to be inappropriate earns you WPs
After confirmation, reviews that has been reported will be taken of our platform
Creators of removed reviews risk getting banned from the weRate ecosystem, with potential loss of all in-game assets
Reporting a review that is deemed OK can cause the a loss of Wisdom and Health for the person who reported
Since we value positivity, we do not allow downvotes for a review. Low quality reviews will simply move down the ladder automatically, thanks to upvoted reviews rising to the top.
Last updated