Benefits for users

We reward users for actively and genuinely participating in the review economy.

The financial reward comes in the form of earning credits with every review or check-in that they do. The amount of credits a users earns depends on many factors, such as:

  • The popularity of the venue

  • The type of Bohemian (every user starts with a free common Bohemian)

  • The properties and level of the Bohemian

  • The quality of the review

The social reward is levelling up your Bohemian, gaining wisdom and building up a reputation in the WeRate ecosystem that radiates trust and social status. Users will also participate in seasonal leaderboards for a chance to obtain $RATE through the points they earn each season. Users can also eventually become WeRate influencers within their favourite niche, and enjoy many perks and benefits. They can connect with other people, see where they go, get recommendations and much more to come!

WeRate allows people to find new businesses, enjoy hidden gems, and get trustworthy recommendations by fellow Weraters. You become part of the community and enjoy the many benefits we have planned for the future.

Finally, users can enjoy the high quality reviews that our platform offers. Specifically, we improve the 4 V's of ratings:

  • A more desirable degree of Valence, referring to the direction of the reviews (negative, neutral, positive) and the average review star rating. For example, a couple of 4-star reviews are perceived as more trustworthy than consistent 5-star ratings.

  • A high Volume, generating a large total number of reviews because we incentivize every review and check-in.

  • A high level of Veracity or perceived trustworthiness, thanks to all the built-in mechanisms of anonymity, location checking, onchain review posting and social interactions.

  • More Velocity, referring to the date and time when reviews have been submitted and the frequency of review postings. Also this is a consequence of incentives, along with GameFi and SocialFi elements.

Last updated