There are 2 types of leaderboards : Public & Private
Public Leaderboards
General: these will continuously run and everybody can join them at every moment in time. Pre-TGE this is the beta leaderboard, and post-TGE the general leaderboard will be available in 2 sets of period: Weekly & Monthly
Geographical: based on your residency which you fill in while making an account. Depending on the number of reviewers in your region these can be on the scale of a city, province, country, region, and continent. 2 sets of periods (Monthly & Quarterly)
Rarity: based on the rarity of Bohemians used. There are 6 Rarities : Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic & Ultimate. 2 sets of periods (Monthly & Quarterly)
Categories: based on the category of venue a user is reviewing. At launch leaderboards available will be Restaurants & Bars. These will expend as the game is progressing. 2 sets of periods (Monthly & Quarterly)
Basic : same principle as general leaderboard but made for users using basic bohemians, this leaderboard does not qualify for $RATE rewards but will win CREDITS & Soulbound Bohemians instead. 2 sets of periods (Weekly & Monthly)
$RATE & Credits
Private Leaderboards
Private Leaderboard accessible through an invitation code. Rules of general leaderboard apply. Private leaderboard are updated monthly.
Last updated