Giving a review
WeRate is all about giving honest, insightful and compelling reviews about a venue that help businesses and consumers.
The review process consists of a couple of straight-forward steps, some of them are mandatory:
Open the weRate app
Select the venue where you are
Get approved by our signature Proof-of-Authenticity system
Give star ratings on a 5-star scale. These will be shown separately to other users. First you need to rate the Venue on the Overall Experience (OE). After that, there are several side ratings:
📍 Location: is the business easy to find or impossibly hidden? Is it in the middle of the city center or far away from everything? Is it in a cozy street or next to a busy road?
💃 Ambiance: how does the place feel? Great view or concrete wall? Nice interior or poorly decorated? Lively atmosphere or pretty boring?
💰 Price: is it extremely expensive, average or very cheap?
✨ Quality: how was the quality of the offering depending on the venue? Great food, drinks, artwork, massage, etc…
💁🏽 Service: how friendly were the people that served you?
🧽 Cleanliness: how tidy and hygienic was the place?
You can decide to stop here, for example if you are in a hurry. If you want to provide more information however (and earn more credits and WPs), then you can choose to add 1 or more of these steps:
Take a picture of your surroundings, the food or drinks, yourself or the group of people you are with! You can be as creative as you like, but keep it family friendly.
Minimum 1 - Maximum 5
You can take the picture through the app, or you can upload it. Make sure the uploaded pictures are taken with the same device and on the same date and location, or our PoA system will stop you from reviewing
Write a compelling and honest review
Minimum 10 characters, maximum 1000
Capture the experience in a clear way
You can write it in your own language. Our system will automatically detect if it’s not written in English, so other users can use our built-in translator if they don’t understand it
Our AI language model will detect any unfair conduct, NSFW content, and profanity
More (optional) questions will be continuously added. The more data you provide, the better our search engine becomes and the easier you will find the perfect business that you are looking for.
When you submit the review, and it get's automatically posted (hashed) on the Solana blockchain
Giving a review earns you credits, Experience and WPs
If you are the first to review a certain venue, you earn 3x more Experience. If it’s the first time you visit a venue but others have already made a review, you earn 1.5x more Experience
Each time you review a venue that you have already reviewed with that same Bohemian, a 20% cumulative decrease will occur on the amount of credits received. This means you will receive 100% of credits the first time, 80% the second time, 60% the third time, etc… The decrease in earnings:
Continue per Bohemian until the credits for a review are the same as a check-in. eg: WATp earned = reg WATp earned * (100% - min (4, count(reviews_at_venue)) * 20%)
Can be partly mitigated by the Creativity Element
After you give a review at a certain location, there is a cooldown period of
1 month before you can give another review at that same location
2 hours before you can give a review of a different venue
If you review a business that is considered a Frequently Visited Venue, a 20% reduction of rewards occurs. These venues need less users to give an accurate description of the experience
The total amount of reviews you can give in one day is limited to the amount of Energy your Bohemian(s) hold in total.
Last updated