Getting started

Making a free account on WeRate takes less than 3 minutes.

  • Download our mobile application from the Play store or App store

  • Create your account with a unique email and nickname

  • Receive a free Soulbound Bohemian in your gaming wallet

  • Every new account starts with maximum Health and 0 Wisdom

  • Optional: connect your personal Solana wallet to the application, so you can claim tokens and mint your Bohemians

  • You are good to go!

After the registration you can immediately go out and start rating!

  • Visit your favourite business or find a new venue on our map

  • After enjoying the service, open the application and tap review or check-in

  • Follow the steps (see next chapters) to check-in or rate

  • Earn credits that you can use in-app

  • Earn Wisdom that builds reputation and will allow you to participate in our SocialFi ecosystem

  • Optional: Purchase additional Bohemians from our marketplace to upgrade your earning power and allow you to review more

  • Optional: mint your Bohemian(s) to your own personal Solana wallet, where they will be NFT's and can still be used to review and check-in

Last updated