The map

Our map is the exploration area where you can search for nearby venues or hidden gems.

On the map you can:

  • Search for venues by name and type

  • See what’s nearby. Businesses are automatically sorted by their distance from your current location. Places near you will also be shown on the dashboard.

  • Easily distinguish the category of the venue, so you know what type of place it is and what Bohemian is best to post a review

  • Save your favourite places

  • Filter on the things you find most important

  • Find general information about every business such as opening hours and contact information

  • See the overall star rating, number of reviews, total number of check-ins, address. You can see

    • What Bohemian the users posted the review with

    • The user’s Username and Wisdom (at the time of reviewing)

    • All star ratings given, as well as the Overall Experience star rating

    • The uploaded pictures

    • The review texts

  • Reviews of businesses are sorted per popularity and recency

Last updated