One of the benefits of visiting places, experiencing new things, and meeting new people is that with each passing month you get wiser. In the weRate Universe, this is reflected in your Wisdom.
Wisdom is the total amount of WPs you’ve gained on an account level. It is earned for every action you’ve performed with all Bohemians.
The more Wisdom you have as a user, the more credible you are. It is a sign you have visited a lot of different venues, left tons of reviews and are a appreciated and respected member of the WeRate community. Wisdom represents your account's reputation and experience in the ecosystem. It can only be earned through venue discovery, content creation, and community validation.
Review Activities
Full Review: Up to 12 WP
Rating component: +3
Written component: +5
Photo addition: +4
Basic Check-in: +2
First Discovery Bonus: x1.5 multiplier (applies to reviews/check-ins at previously undiscovered venues)
Community Validation
+1 WP per upvote received
Only verified accounts can provide valid upvotes (anti-botting measure)
Users with a high level of Wisdom can participate in specific leaderboards andcompetitions, while enjoying additional benefits in the future such as becoming a weRate influencer.
Last updated