
Bohemians are the central part of the weRate review universe. They represent your in-game character(s) and can be used to perform reviews and check-ins. Owning a Bohemian makes you a member of the weRate community, and by actively using it you will be able to share in the platform profits!

You need to have at least one Bohemian to be able to participate actively. When you create a new account, you immediately receive a Soulbound Bohemian for free!

If you want to have full custody of your in-game characters, you need to connect a Solana wallet and mint the Bohemian as an NFT. You can choose to do so at any time, except for the Soulbound Bohemian which you cannot mint.

The Bohemians are used both as collectibles and for gaming. Each Bohemian is completely unique (except for Soulbounds), with a special combination of traits that are randomly generated. They also each have a certain Speciality, possess certain Properties, consist of different Elements, and belong to one of four Tiers.

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