Bohemian Properties

All Bohemians possess four different Properties: Status, Level, Energy and Experience.

Each of these properties vary over time and can be upgraded, restored, or regained.

⚑ Energy

Although your Bohemian loves exploring the world, giving a review or check-in requires some energy. Energy limits the number of reviews and check-ins a Bohemian can perform during the day. When there is not enough energy left, a Bohemian needs to rest. Energy automatically regenerates. The time of regeneration is dependent on the tier of the Bohemian (common, popular, rare, epic), with a higher tier resulting in a quicker regeneration.

Each Bohemian starts with a maximum amount of 100 energy. This automatically depletes every time an action is performed.

  • Post a review β†’ -100% * (100% - 2.5% * stamina) energy

  • Check-in β†’ -20% * (100% - 2.5% * stamina) energy

🌎 Experience

The more your Bohemian visits different businesses, the more experience he/she gains! Every action you perform with your Bohemian earns Experience. Receiving upvotes adds to your Experience, as well as participating in games and contests. Experience is lost if one of your reviews gets reported.

  • Post a review β†’ +50xp

  • Check-in β†’ +10xp

  • Received an upvote β†’ +1xp

  • Reported (and approved) β†’ -200xp

  • Games & contests β†’ coming soon

Gaining additional Experience allows Bohemians to level up. Level 1 has an Experience scale of 100, with every subsequent level requiring a higher amount of Experience in order to level up.

🎚️ Level

Every Bohemian starts at level 1 and has a total of 50 unlockable levels. You can only level your Bohemian once the Experience bar is full. Leveling is performed manually and requires credits. Once leveled, the Experience bar is reset to empty.

You are not forced to level up, you can keep reviewing and checkng in with your Bohemian on its current level, but you will not gain additional Experience until you level up. However, you will continue to earn Wisdom on your user account.

Every time you level a Bohemian, you earn 1% more points and gain Wisdom. The cost to level a Bohemian depends on the tier.

πŸ₯‡ Status

When achieving levels 10, 25 and 50, your Bohemian unlocks the possibility of improving it's Status. Every upgrade in Status is immediately reflected in the changed color of the outer circle of your Bohemian. Thanks to this, users immediately notice when you have reached an advanced Status.

At level 10 you can acquire the πŸ₯‰Bronze Status. Bronze Status adds 5 Element Points (EPs) randomly to your Bohemian. With a Bronze Status you earn +5% more points for every action.

At level 25 you can acquire the πŸ₯ˆSilver Status. Silver Status adds 5 Element Points (EPs) randomly to your Bohemian. With a Silver Status you earn +5% more points for every action.

At level 50 you can acquire the πŸ₯‡Gold Status. Gold Status adds 5 Element Points (EPs) randomly to your Bohemian. With a Gold Status you earn +5% more points for every action.

Every status upgrade lasts forever. The only way a Status can change is by upgrading it further.

You are not forced to upgrade the Status of your Bohemian when you reach the unlocking level. You can keep playing the game and earning points. You will however be unable to level your Bohemian any further.

Last updated