The RATE economy

Distribution Mechanisms

There are several ways in which rewards are used to incentivize behavior and guide certain actions:

  • Rewarding users who check-in

  • Rewarding users who post reviews

  • Stimulating the WeRate economy by giving occasional boosts to earnings

  • Allowing more earnings when Bohemians reach higher levels

  • Incentivizing ownership of multiple Bohemians with higher rewards

  • Rewarding upvotes

  • Funding contests

  • Leaderboard prize pools

Removal Mechanisms

To avoid a collapse in token price, demand characteristics are built into the RATE ecosystem. This will allow for a balanced economy. Drivers that fuel RATE demand/removal are:

  • Levelling your Bohemians

  • Restoring your overall Health

  • Less earnings when reviewing and checking-in to:

    • The same venue

    • Frequently visited venues

    • Venues that don’t match Bohemian Speciality

  • Reported reviews

  • Platform fees

  • Bohemian customization (coming soon)

  • Buying in-app items

  • Improving the Status of your Bohemians when unlocked

  • Allowing businesses to participate in our ecosystem with:

    • Becoming a Verified Venue (VV)

    • Push notifications

    • Marketing campaigns

    • Loyalty programs

Last updated